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About Me


About Me...

Personal Profile

My name is Jennifer Mazerolle, but you can call me by my nickname...Jenn Maze. As a Certified Coach, my purpose is to create awareness, guide others to form lasting changes, and create positive ripple effects in all areas of their lives. I have always loved this quote by Gandhi "Be the change you want to see in the world." In other words.... If you want to change the world, change yourself!


I am a healed survivor of physical, mental, sexual, financial, narcissistic, domestic and parental abuse. As mentioned, I’ve been down every block! I have experienced homelessness, human trafficking, addiction, motherhood, divorce, heartbreak and everything in between.  I have also experienced the good things in life like healthy relationships, prosperity, romance, self-love, security, success and so much more! I have always been a healer and an advocate, I just love seeing others succeed too.  I believe leaders create more leaders. 


I have little faith in many of the systems put into place in this world.  The people in power don’t give us the knowledge we need because then we would have the power to overthrow them.  I feel this is why our school and political systems…and people are broken.  The knowledge we should have been given as children is like a big secret only a few know.  We are stuck, lost and broken because we don’t love or have faith in ourselves anymore.  We allow the collective opinions, actions and beliefs of others to define us and influence our decisions and ultimately our entire life.  


My purpose is to show you it’s all a bunch of made up BS.  I believe it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you have done in life, or what has affected your life, you truly do deserve everything you ever wanted!  My question to you is…Do you believe it? and Are you ready to work towards it, instead of staying where you’re comfortable?


My Experience

I have received my Coaching Certificate by completing the Jay Shetty Certification School, which is accredited by the Association for Coaching, an inclusive organization, with members from over 85 countries.  The certification includes months of training and hands on experience coaching as well as going through Jay Shetty’s coaching experience myself. 


With this knowledge, self awareness and training I am very excited that I am a part of Jay Shetty’s mission – To Change a Billion Lives. Please Note…When searching for a coach know that some only have life and/or work experience and some have both life/work experience and school training/a certification.  According to LinkedIn, of the 6 million coaches present on the platform, less than 10% have received a coaching certification from an accredited training institute.  A distinction I am proud to adorn. 


I have also completed many other courses and programs, from obtaining my accounting diploma, to being a master user of many computer programs, to health & safety, to smaller courses like violence prevention, marketing, photography and even, tarot card reading.  I have spent my entire adult life committed to lifelong learning.

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What exactly is coaching about?

Coaching is a very deep dive into you, your inner and true self.  It's a journey of self realization, reflection and growth.  Coaches learn how to do this themselves before they can guide others. 


Just like a coach guides a team to win, with the knowledge they have learned playing the sport.  When it comes to life, relationship, career and business coaching, the coach does not follow a text book.  Instead, they follow their intuition, life skills, acquired knowledge and a code of ethics. 


They listen intently and question with curiosity.  They also provide a safe and confidential space for you to discuss what is holding you back and gain a clear vision of where you want to be.  The more open you are, the more willing you are to look deep within and make lasting changes, the more you will get out of your coaching sessions, with me or with any coach you choose. 


Many clients describe the experience like a movie.  Like an action scene where the fighter can make time almost stand still, dodging the bullet or making 10 decisions in a split second.   After coaching, it is as if time completely slows down when things go awry.  Important decisions can be made quickly because you can predict the outcome and clearly know what the next, right move, is to make.  Things that used to bother you, or upset you become obsolete.  Regular arguments or disagreements are non existent. Decisions turn out successfully more than not.  When working on goals, you will find that you achieve them faster than you ever did before.  The results you will experience will depend on you.  What you want, what you are willing to put in to it, what bad habits you're willing to give up, and what changes your willing to make.


My approach to coaching...



As a coach, I pride myself on being straightforward, honest and realistic with my clients. My methodology is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which emphasizes on the importance of self-awareness and positive mindset.  My goal is to empower you to become your own greatest advocate, providing you with the tools and resources to navigate any challenge that comes your way.


I guide you to uncover what is standing in the way and currently stopping you from achieving what you truly want in life, love or business. Through personalized coaching sessions, we'll work together to develop a plan that helps you gain clarity and focus, pushing you towards the success you desire. Each session is tailored to fit your specific needs, personality, and situation, so you can feel comfortable, confident, and empowered throughout the coaching experience.


PLEASE NOTE: I only coach adults.  I like to be my true self, at all times, and I do use adult language more than occasionally. 

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