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Writer's pictureJENN MAZE

What does SPIRITUALITY mean?

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

There is no single, widely agreed upon definition of spirituality. Some surveys have shown up to 27 different classifications, with no single meaning or definition. The evidence of spirituality dates back quite far….However, if we dug deeper, if paper lasted longer, if rock didn’t erode over time by nature….Maybe we would have even more evidence dating back further than we have imagined.

What is agreed upon...Something exists that we cannot explain. Even our ancestors have been drawing on walls since the beginning of time telling us so.

So let’s go back…to what the word SPIRITUALITY means, because this is how I, definite it. Its origin is Latin – SPIRITUS, SPIRITUALIS. Later on in Old French it became ESPRIT, SPIRITUEL. Then in Modern English it was defined as SPIRIT, SPIRITUAL.

Latin Definition – Pertaining to breathing the wind or air. Breathing of the spirit, breath, breathing. To breath, with ending.

Old English Definition: Spirit, soul or mind. Liveliness of mind or spirit. Having or marked by a refined and especially sprightly or witty nature.

Modern English Definition: The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

I don't go to church, cast spells, pray to saints, read palms, medidate or worship false idols. I do what is right for me. The more you try and do what is working for other people, the less it will work for you.

In order to experience spirituality, you need to let go! Of your ego, expectations and attachments. If you expect a person to do something, most times they will let you down. Because people behave the way they want to, not how you want them to. Spirituality is the same. If you are expecting something to happen a specific way, it wont happen like that for you. You have to let what you have heard go! You have to release the ideas and expectations your holding onto, in order for you to have a true and authentic experience. Some people think they need to see a miracle to believe, or they need to see a ghost, or god needs to speak to them to truly believe it is real. If you think what you have seen in the movies is going to happen to you.....Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it won't!

You don't need to be a master meditator or a yoga guru. You don't need to be a monk, a card reader, a crystal wearer or find Jesus to be a spiritual person....You just have dig deep and realize your true potential, know your values and going forward you live your life with purpose.

How do you live with purpose??? You live a life that is in-line with your values.

When you focus your energy on what really matters to you, take meaningful steps and actions, your body, mind and soul automatically connect with that magical energy, none of us can name.

You truly are equipped with superpowers, you just have to want to find them.

I want to give a shout out to Judi Jamieson The Psychic who helped me get past what was blocking me spiritually. Her course has had an amazing impact on my life. If you have read this far, spirituality must be something that interests you. Maybe you too have had some unexplainable things happen to you and know there is something more out there in this vastly huge universe we know so little about....I suggest checking out Judi's 1 on 1 guidance or try one her of courses. She is fucking fantastic! ;)

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